Welcome to the Course!

Now that you have successfully completed the R Bootcamp, you are ready to take on the DSM course! The basic R skills you learned in the bootcamp are the jumping off point that we’ll use to learn the following:

  • Wrangling, summarizing, and visualizing data;

  • Using statistical methods to draw inferences from data;

  • Building predictive machine learning models;

  • Analyzing experiments;

  • And so much more!

Throughout the bootcamp, you wrote and ran all of your R code within console windows that were embedded in this book. We do this so that you can focus on learning the basics of R and not worry about also having to learn a new software environment. However, for the remainder of the course we will be writing and running our R code in a browser-based platform known as Google Colab. You will learn the basics of Colab in our second and third classes.